My now 16-month-old, Iain, is a picky eater. He seems to be following in my footsteps... eh, I mean
tastebuds. He likes chocolately sweet things. And fruit. And bread. And when he does NOT like something, it is painfully clear. He pouts. He spits food out. And he swats at the spoon and throws his arms around. SO, I was quite interested to see how he would take to some food from
Happy Baby that we were recently able to sample.

I decided to give Iain the banana yogurt melts one day as a snack. I knew he would love them, since he LOVES bananas... and he loves yogurt melts!
Here is his reaction to the first bite
(kind of a pleasantly surprised YUM, if you ask me!):

Sure enough.... he sampled a few and then ran back for more!

A few days later, I decided to just get it over with and try to feed him the Happy Tots toddler mix of green beans, pears and peas, not thinking it would go very well. I held the pouch for him, just in case he swatted it out of my hands in disgust...

But I was
completely wrong. Iain took one taste -- straight out of the pouch -- and practically inhaled the entire thing!

He LOVED it! I don't think I have ever seen him enjoy something that much
(that wasn't dessert, that is!). I think he was shocked when it was gone....

He waved around the empty pouch, with kind of a "
that's all?" look!

Iain also loved the spinach, mango and pear mixture.... and it was fun to see him feed himself by squeezing the pouch and sucking it down flat!
(How neat... and how convenient!)

Needless to say, I was MORE than thrilled about the Happy Baby foods, and I am certainly a new fan...
and customer! And so is Iain! :) And I am excited that the food is all organic, with 100% natural ingredients!
(Yes, Iain is now eating healthier than ANY of us!)Now... the best part is:
YOU may get to sample some Happy Baby food, too!The company has graciously offered a giveaway to one of my lucky readers! Here is a "peak" at what you might win: "A Healthy Start for a Happy Baby" starter kit, which includes: recipes, nutrition guide, Happy Bellies, Happy Puffs, Happy TOTS, Happy Melts and vouchers for frozen items (Happy Bites and Happy Baby).
WOW -- I want to win! ;)
To enter the giveaway, please visit the
Happy Baby website and then comment on this post about what food item(s) you think your child/ren would like the best! You will get one entry for your comment. And.... for an additional 2 entries, go to the
Happy Baby Facebook fan page and "LIKE" them! Then comment here about doing so!
The winner will be selected at random on Friday, April 22!
GOOD LUCK!*NOTE: I was not paid to say these wonderful things about Happy Baby or their products. The above post is entirely my own opinion (and my baby boy's), given at my own free will!