Well, it didn't take too long (about 3 1/2 hours last Saturday morning). But it was a bit more "involved" than I'd planned.
I taped it all off first, of course. Then I searched the internet for a technique that would work for this little space and for what supplies I had on hand. I did not want to repaint the whole bathroom. I simply wanted to use the extra paint we had already to spruce things up in there!
So I went for the "ragging" technique. I already had the "base coat." All I had to do was scrunch up a rag, dip it in the paint and tap it on the wall, using different angles and such. Of course, my arm almost fell off, especially when I painted the ceiling using the same technique! AGH!
BUT...I think it turned out great!
And although you can't really appreciate it in these photos, here is a BEFORE...
and an AFTER...
and another shot of the sink area!